Don’t just run with this quote, there is a caveat.
Some endure lack, pain and poverty because they have people they can run to. Some have accepted the low life “position by association” because many people in similar position are there to make them normalize such experience. People romance their state and they have people caressing the state for them as well. Truth be told, such people cannot leave that state because they have not seen themselves in a better place so they will give themselves more reasons not to leave.
Now this is a litmus test, “If you, for whatever reason, justify a lower life, you are simply one of them”.
Until you give up or get tired, you won’t see clearly nor make attempts to move forward.
This does not mean that you give up on anything that is not working yet. Even if your dream is not working out, it is simply telling you to consider another approach to driving it.
The emphasis here is on YOU not justifying your stay in toxicity and not about you aborting or giving up on your dream, yourself, people, places or things that matter to you.
Once you have made attempts multiple times without a headway, it is important to approach life or such, in a different way.
You cannot afford to keep doing the same thing the same way, all the time and be expecting a different result. How can?
A little twist, a different method, a total review might just do the magic. You need to try again differently! Cheers!